To CFC USA Family,    
Welcome to Couples for Christ USA Virtus Online Training! The Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults is committed to fostering healthy relationships within the dioceses and parishes through awareness and interpersonal safety education for our children. It also includes safety training and background screening for all adults who minister or provide services to our children and vulnerable adults in an effort to help maintain a safe environment for all.
Safe Environment Training is mandatory for diocesan clergy, employees and active volunteers that includes members of Couples for Christ USA working with youth and vulnerable adults. The module is called “Protecting God`s Children for Adults” available in both English and Spanish versions.
All CFC USA members (18 years old and above) are required to complete the Virtus Online Training to meet the requirements of the dioceses and parishes we work hand in hand for our evangelization efforts. The Virtus training is not equivalent to the biometrics (fingerprinting) required by dioceses and parishes. If required, please work with your local diocese and/or parish to obtain the clearance to volunteer in their sponsored activity, event and service including the use of their facilities to sponsor CFC activities involving child and vulnerable adults.
The Virtus online training is available to all CFC members by going to the Virtus online website at For first time users, please create an account by completing all necessary information. You will be able to proceed and complete the online training thereafter. Please follow the step by step instruction as the system prompts.
For members with an existing account and are due to renew online training, go to online training and select recertification. Training module is “Keeping the Promise Alive”. Please follow step by step instruction as the system prompts.
Upon completion of the online training, a certificate will be issued and records will be maintained in our PFO office and OPCVA. The online training is not complete until receipt of the electronic certificate. The certificate will be valid for three years from the date of completion. After the expiration of the certificate, you will have to submit a new request for an online training to renew. The training will be free of charge to CFC USA members.
Let us work together with OPCVA in serving God through others and make this place a safe environment for everyone. Please follow the guidelines and inform the Pastoral Formation Office of any questions or concerns in completing the Virtus Online Training. Please see attached step by step instructions for the Virtus Online Training.
We thank you for your support, cooperation and understanding. Let us continue to bring Christ to every soul we meet. Enjoy the online training at the comfort of your own homes available 24/7. Get certified to serve!
To God be the glory!
Pastoral Formation Office – USA

ROH 69: Made for Mission

We commemorate Jesus Christ’s ascension into heaven by celebrating Ascension Day, which occurs on the Thursday 39 days after Easter. This year, it will take

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Heart of Mission, May 2023

Anchor verse: Mark 2:10-11
But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins on earth”— 11 he said to the paralytic, “I say to you, rise, pick up your mat, and go home.”

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Heart of Mission, October 2022

Anchor verse: 2 Chronicles 7:14
“If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

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Couples for Christ USA (CFC USA)