Couples for Christ (CFC)

Christian Life Program (CLP)

The Christian Life Program (CLP) is an integrated course intended to lead the program participants into a renewed understanding of God’s call to them as Christian couples or individuals. There are twelve sessions which consist of a teaching, a group discussion, and a time for fellowship. Each session would normally last for about 2 1/2 hours.
What are the goals of the CLP?

1. For the individual, it brings a person into a stronger rela­tionship with God by discovering and living more fully the power and gifts he or she received through the Holy Spirit.

2. For the family, it brings married couples to a renewed commit­ment to Christian family Life and it starts to build up a commu­nity of committed Christian families.

3. For the Church, it brings people within a particular parish to a fuller experience of life in the Spirit. Consequently, it strengthens and revitalizes community life in the parish.

Operation for our lord (oP4OL)

Bring God’s light to the world.  

Unleash the Power of the Holy Spirit in the Household through effective, efficient and empowered evangelization.

Ignatian Spiritual Exercise (ISE)

The Spiritual Exercises at St. Peter Chanel in Hawaiian Gardens, California was instituted in August of 2006 with an initial group of two people meeting with Father Ed Broom, OMV. From that quiet beginning more than 4,200 people have experienced the Exercises.


• A deeper, more intense prayer life
• An ability to examine one’s conscience more closely
• Discernment of spirits – the ability to distinguish the voice of the Holy Spirit from the whisperings of the evil spirit
• A deeper understanding and love of the Sacrament of Confession
• A greater love of Jesus present in the Holy Eucharist
• A love of Holy Scripture A deeper filial relationship with Mary, our mother.

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Couples for Christ USA (CFC USA)