Go GOLD and GLOBAL for God's Greater Glory

The G6 Households will volunteer or be assigned to do missions in areas where there is no CFC presence. This is with the leadership, guidance and involvement of the RH of that State.
To lead the all-out assault and to set a good example will be the HHs of the servant leaders, (Unit heads and above). The G6 GOLD HHs will enlist, volunteer or be assigned to do a G6 GOLD CLP at one of the 9 States where there is no CFC presence yet (Maine, Vermont, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas, Kentucky). This is with the leadership, guidance and involvement of the RH of that State. The G6 GOLD HH will assist in looking for contacts in the assigned State – priests, potential participants, Organization heads (determine if there are members of the Filipino Federation of Priests in the assigned State, google Filipino Catholic organizations in the State etc.), and conduct a G6 GOLD CLP (maybe a weekend CLP). Although all G6 GOLD HH members will be involved in the CLP planning, the number of the actual service team will be at most equal to the expected number of CLP graduates.

In addition, we can also have these G6 HHs volunteer or be assigned to be part of the G6 GLOBAL CLP Service Team in the global mission areas handled by CFC USA (The Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, N South America and S South America). This is with the leadership, guidance and involvement of the designated Country Coordinator. The G6 GLOBAL HH will assist in looking for contacts in the assigned country- priests, potential participants, Organization heads (determine if there are members of the Filipino Federation of Priests in the assigned country, google Filipino Catholic organizations in the country, etc.), and conduct a G6 GLOBAL CLP (maybe a weekend CLP). Although all G6 GLOBAL HH members will be involved in the CLP planning, the number of the actual service team will be at most equal to the expected number of CLP graduates.

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Take care. God Loves you!

Couples for Christ USA (CFC USA)