Love and Mercy Fund

Over the past 2 months, we have noticed a significant increase in the number of CFC USA families needing assistance from the LMF. To augment the fund and make us ready to provide help when needed, we are appealing to all our CFC USA brethren to consider making a donation to the LMF especially those who are planning to make a year-end contribution for tax purposes.
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Dear CFC USA Brothers & Sisters:

A Blessed New Year to everyone! Please find below a report on the status and usage of our LOVE & MERCY FUND (LMF).

Originally, the Love & Mercy Fund was intended to provide financial assistance to CFC USA members falling ill with Covid-19. Subsequently, the purpose was expanded to provide financial assistance to CFC USA members losing a job or livelihood as a result of the pandemic and have no adequate alternate source of income.

Very recently, the CFC USA National Council decided to further expand the use of the LMF to include providing financial assistance to CFC USA members whose immediate family members may have fallen ill with Covid-19. Subject to the qualification criteria under the updated LMF disbursement guidelines and to availability of funds, the assistance may now be given even if the ailing immediate family member is not a CFC USA member.

Over the past 2 months, we have noticed a significant increase in the number of CFC USA families needing assistance from the LMF. To augment the fund and make us ready to provide help when needed, we are appealing to all our CFC USA brethren to consider making a donation to the LMF especially those who are planning to make a year-end contribution for tax purposes. Here are the links for your tax-free donations:

To Donate through CFC:  Make a One-Time Gift Now – Faith Direct

To Donate through ANCOP:

May God continue to bless and protect us all!

CFC USA National Director
ANCOP USA Chairman

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Take care. God Loves you!

Couples for Christ USA (CFC USA)