cfc global

Global Goals

Evangelization and Formation

To strategically locate CFC in the world to evangelize peoples and inculcate a way of life based on Gospel values.

Family Renewal

To strengthen and defend the family as a basic unit of society and of the Church in accordance with God’s plan.

Total Christian Liberation (Justice, Life, and Poor)

To help the least of our brethren based on Matthew 25:40, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”

Effective / Efficient Governance

To provide effective and efficient support services to fulfill the vision and mission of CFC.

Global Presence

Since its establishment in 1981, Couples for Christ is now present in over 100 countries worldwide. To learn more, visit our CFC Global website

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Couples for Christ USA (CFC USA)